Late summer rose maintaince

Some Rose Care Information for Late Summer by Allen Ownings
Folks have been asking about rose care and what to do about "under-performing" and leggy roses. In zones 8 and 9 (down South) we recommend pruning roses in late summer....this is typically mid August through early September depending on where you live and the current weather patterns. This pruning should remove about 1/3rd of the plant (late winter pruning should remove or could remove as much as 2/3-3/4 of the plant). In addition to height reduction pruning, thin out (totally remove) an older cane each time you do rose pruning, especially on older bushes.
It is a great idea to fertilize in late summer also. If you roses are not growing well or need new canes, consider an Epsom salt application (2 tablespoons per plant) - this adds magnesium to the plant and also may help with new basal break (cane) formation.
Remember that roses need full sun and will not perform well in any type of a shady setting. Mulch with pine straw (other mulches are fine also). Make sure your soil pH is 6.5 (this does make a huge difference). 
When rainfall is lacking, roses need 0.75-1 inch irrigation weekly. This is mainly spring - fall. 
Consider these items to help your roses perform better!


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