Marilyn Wellan honored with presentation of Gold Honor Medal at ARS National Rose Show
ARS Gold Medal 2017
Transcript of Pat Shanley's presentation:
The ARS Gold Honor Medal is the highest honor one can receive in the American Rose Society. The recipient is chosen by the ARS Prizes & Award Committee.
The nominee must be a current member of the American Rose Society and have at least 12 years of service in ARS. The nominee must have diligently worked on the National level, in any capacity, for the betterment of the American Rose Society and its membership. The nominee must have done work of merit above and beyond the normal call of duty and devotion.
This year's honoree has spent the better part of her adult life in service to the Rose and the American Rose Society. She has been a member of the American Rose Society since 1984 and is an ARS Life Member. Since the early 1980's she has been actively involved on the Local, District and National levels. Over the past 30+ years, she has chaired many ARS Committees including the ARS Membership and Marketing Committee, during which she actively worked to increase ARS membership and encouraged others to follow in her footsteps.
Her program "Year of the Rose", 1997-2003, provided nationwide publicity for ARS and the Rose by encouraging cites across the country to declare "Year of the Rose" in their city. The mayor of New York City was included in the many who gave this recognition with a formal proclamation.
She served as ARS Vice President 2000-2003 and ARS President, 2003-2006. During her term she initiated the creation of the American Rose Society Endowment Trust (ARSET) so that the Society could benefit in perpetuity. ARSET is key to the future of the American Rose Society and will help us to always be able to fulfill our mission.
She serves today as a member of the American Rose Center Committee and member, ARC Strategic Task Force for developing the Master Plan to renovate the ARC gardens.
She also serves on the ARS Development Committee, ARS Old Garden Roses and Shrubs Committee and ARS Bylaws Committee.
She continues to support and be active in her local rose society - the Central Louisiana Rose Society, the ARS Gulf District, and the ARS, so her service did not end with her term as ARS President.
She is the true definition of performing "work of merit above and beyond the normal call of duty and devotion."
So it is an honor and a great pleasure to present the 2017 American Rose Society Gold Honor Medal to Marilyn Wellan.
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